• enseigner dehorset apprendre avec la nature
  • Se former avec SILVIVAdes cours attractifs au contact de la nature
  • faire vivre la nature aux autresnos outils vous donnent un coup de main
  • La pleine consciencec’est facile dans la nature

Review of the 16th European Forest Pedagogics Congress

From the 11th to the 13th of May 2022, the nature schools of Zurich, Wildnispark Zurich, Sihlwald and the SILVIVA Foundation welcomed around 120 forest educators to the 16th European Forest Pedagogics Congress (the annual congress of the FCN-Subgroup).


Under the motto "How to learn in and with nature in times of climate crisis? European perspectives and solutions", more than 20 workshops were offered by partners and participants.


We visited Sihlwald, the Hönggerberg Nature School and the Forest Laboratory in Zurich, and discussed what we had experienced and learned and how to proceed further at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute in Rüschlikon.

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